BookStore Chile

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El dinero y el comercio en nuestro país: Read-Along eBook

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El dinero y el comercio en nuestro país: Read-Along eBook

Teach students about trading and buying goods and services. In this Spanish-translated book, readers will learn about supply and demand, and learn the difference between wants and needs. Featuring images that support the informational text, students will build social studies content-area literacy and reading skills.

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Número de páginas 32



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Libro Ayudar a un amigo con un desorden alimenticio (Helping a Friend With an Eating Disorder)

As a teen who may be worried about certain warning signs a friend is exhibiting, it’s important to know how to recognize and confront an eating disorder. After all, teens are the most impacted group for developing eating disorders. Learn how the pressures of school, dating, and athletics contribute to body image issues and why teens are vulnerable. Explore eating disorders that people commonly have and how they are treated. Readers from grades six through twelve will have a relatable text to help them understand how they can make a difference to someone they care about.

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