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Cantos Al Encuentro

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Cantos Al Encuentro

This bilingual anthology, Cantos to Encounters, is a selection of the poetic works of Luis Alberto Ambroggio, the highly-respected Argentinian-American poet who currently represents Hispanic writing in the United States. The poems quickly reveal how the encounters related to the poet serve as symbols for numerous topics and people: for war, family, women, mythology, immigrants; and for poets such as Darío, García Lorca, Vallejo, Whitman, and Benedetti, as well as for himself. These poems place their author between the year 1987, when he was starting his poetic journey with some poems from one of his first books, Poems of Loving and Living, and the year 2017, with two collections of poems, still unpublished, Teaching How to Spin and The Daily Circus, and going through many others that were published in between.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Antología Bilingüe de Luis Alberto Ambroggio

Número de páginas 218


  • Luis Alberto Ambroggio


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