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Voluntarios Al Rescate

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Libro Voluntarios Al Rescate

Learn how to help others in your community. This exciting Spanish nonfiction book describes the many ways that volunteers make a difference, from cleaning up parks to helping in food banks. Perfect for young readers, the book includes a short fiction stor

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Número de páginas 24



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Libro Arte y cultura: El British Museum: Clasificar, ordenar y dibujar figuras (Art and Culture: The British Museum: Classify, Sort and Draw Shapes)

Take a trip to the British Museum as you explore its fascinating objects and geometric shapes! This famous London museum was built for exploration - and for learning geometry. Learn about its history and artifacts as you build your geometry skills. This Spanish math book seamlessly integrates the teaching of math and reading, and uses real-world examples to teach math concepts. Text features include images, a glossary, an index, captions, and a table of contents to build students' vocabulary and reading comprehension skills as they interact with the text. The rigorous practice problems,...

La fiebre del oro (The Gold Rush)

Libro La fiebre del oro (The Gold Rush)

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Rastreo del tiempo (Tracking the Weather)

Libro Rastreo del tiempo (Tracking the Weather)

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¿Qué estás mirando? : 150 años de arte moderno en un abrir y cerrar de ojos

Libro ¿Qué estás mirando? : 150 años de arte moderno en un abrir y cerrar de ojos

¿Qué es el arte moderno? ¿Por qué se ama o se odia? ¿Y por qué es siempre tan exageradamente caro?Will Gompertz, director de Arte de la BBC, exdirector de la Tate Gallery de Londres y uno de los mayores expertos del mundo, ha escrito una deslumbrante guía que cambiará para siempre la manera en que miramos el arte contemporáneo. Desde los nenúfares de Monet hasta los girasoles de Van Gogh, pasando por las latas de sopa de Warhol y los tiburones en formol de Hirst, este libro nos descubre la historia que hay detrás de las obras, las personas que hay detrás de los artistas y la...

Más allá de las sombras

Libro Más allá de las sombras

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¡Yu-ju-ju, piratas!

Libro ¡Yu-ju-ju, piratas!

Conoce a la tripulación del Capitán Sable y pulsa los botones de sonidos mientras disfrutas de cinco historias diferentes.¡ Escucha a los ruidosos loros, encuentra tesoros, pásalo genial en la fiesta pirata, e incluso dispara un cañón durante la gran batalla!

Understand and Care/Entender y demostrar importancia

Libro Understand and Care/Entender y demostrar importancia

In English and Spanish, build empathy in children; guide them to show they care by listening to others and respecting their feelings. Empathy is key to positive, healthy relationships. In clear, child-friendly words and illustrations, this English-Spanish bilingual book helps children understand that other people have feelings like theirs—and different from theirs. It guides children to show they care by listening to others and respecting their feelings. Includes questions to discuss and empathy games to play, in both English and Spanish. ​The Learning to Get Along® Series The Learning...

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