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"Un momento de la eternidad" Vida de Ernest Nyáry, Arzobispo de Bagdad

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Un momento de la eternidad Vida de Ernest Nyáry, Arzobispo de Bagdad

„The enamel pictures of the Hungarian Saint Crown” mark the pick of the successful painter’s carrier of Éva Nyáry. Her uncle, Ernest Nyáry,Archbishop of Baghdad inspired the paintings of equal size, representing the pictures decorating the crown of our first king, Saint Stephan’s, presented with national and international recognition to the interested public. The artist published the birth of the art pieces and the spirit and history of the crown in a work published with the similar title in 2002. She took the pen in 2006 and composed her following book entitled The Ancient Hungarian decorative art. Mgr. Ernest Nyáry, Carmelite monk, archbishop of the Catholic Latin mission of Baghdad, a member of the Saint Congregation of the Oriental Churches, awarded with the French Legion of Honor, approaching the age of 80 came to see his disciples, parents and friends living in Hungary for the last time, and than he transmitted his legacy in full to his brother Joseph’s daughter, confiding her to preserve and manage it. Her father told many stories to Éva Nyáry about the romantic priest’s carrier in her childhood. The several long meeting with him in the eighties meant her extraordinary impressions. The recorded conversations, the writings published about the noble thinking, sainted monk, matured the conception to share her impressions with readers. When she was handed over his diaries, texts, correspondence, photos and recorded memories, having his uncle’s complete confidence, she has already felt as an obligation to work this fantastic treasury up. Ernest Nyáry’s history of life who was born in an ancient Hungarian noble family in Turcansky Peter, today Slovakia in 1906, evolved in the priest’s vocation, bridging world wars and continents—served as a lesson about faith, tolerance, decisions made in critical moments, and especially about humanity. Éva Nyáry’s newest work follows her uncle’s fantastic life relying on the documents at her disposal, many original quotations, and contemporary descriptions with historic fidelity. The unordinary story is completed by the archive photos of the legacy.

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Número de páginas 96


  • Eva Nyary


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