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Three Little Pigs / Los Tres Cerditos

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Three Little Pigs / Los Tres Cerditos

In this entertaining new take on the classic tale, the time comes for Dozy, Pokey, and Hardy to strike out on their own. Warned by their parents to build sturdy houses to protect themselves from the big, bad wolf, Dozey and Pokey ignore their parents’ advice and build flimsy houses. But Hardy is different; he listens, works hard, and builds a strong house.When the big, bad wolf appears, the story takes a unique twist. Hardy turns hero and his well-spent time researching saves the day. In the end, all three little pigs come to appreciate the wisdom of listening to your parents, not taking short cuts, and working hard. Virtues: Diligence / Proper Work Ethic / Self-Discipline "¡Esa es mi mula! ¡No voy a compartir! ", Grita Sally acerca de Stiffy, su mula. Benny y su mula Bossy sienten lo mismo. Papá ata las mulas para que aprendan que para poder comer, deben cooperar. En el proceso, Benny y Sally también aprenden que para ser felices deben compartir.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas 48



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