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La red austral

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro La red austral

The book examines the long, productive and stormy relationship architect Le Corbusier had with Argentina and the series of events in consequence. His Argentinean disciples Jorge Ferrari Hardoy, Juan Kurchan and Antonio Bonet, although influenced by the master architect had their own architectonic and urban ideas. The book examines the "Austral Net" created towards the productive, plural and complex relationship of these 4 personages where the central figure is the famed Swiss architect. The book is chronologically organized and includes a selection of the most important architecture production of the protagonists with historical references for each case during a time period that covers from Le Corbusier's first contact in 1924 with South America, particularly Rio de la Plata to his death in 1965.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : obras y proyectos de Le Corbusier y sus discípulos en la Argentina (1924-1965)

Número de páginas 429


  • Jorge Francisco Liernur
  • Pablo Pschepiurca


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