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Introduction to Early Childhood Education, Student Edition

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Introduction to Early Childhood Education, Student Edition

INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, 6/E, provides a comprehensive overview of early childhood education that is solidly based on current research and theories. Grounded in constructivist theory but also covering other perspectives, the text focuses on developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, early elementary schoolchildren, and children with disabilities. The majority of the text examines curriculum and the fostering of creativity, as well as physical, cognitive, language, and social development--and every facet of early childhood education is examined and explained. This edition also has been extensively revised and includes new standards and accountability in the field of early childhood education, a new emphasis on working with children from diverse backgrounds, and discussions of the role of families and forms of parent communication. With a strong emphasis on DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) along with completely updated references, examples from practitioners, and new video offerings, this book has become the most comprehensive resource available. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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Número de páginas 656



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