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¿Dónde va tu dinero? (Where Does Your Money Go?) (Spanish Version)

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Libro ¿Dónde va tu dinero? (Where Does Your Money Go?) (Spanish Version)

Discover the different ways that people spend, save, and budget their money. Readers are introduced to important personal financial aspects such as savings accounts, budgets, budget analysis, credit and debit cards, and taxes. Through Spanish-translated informational text, vivid photos, and helpful graphs and charts that assist in implementing mathematical skills such as percentages, readers will be encouraged to save and spend their money wisely and responsibly.

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Número de páginas 64



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Marcha hacia delante (Moving Forward) (Spanish Version)

Libro Marcha hacia delante (Moving Forward) (Spanish Version)

Act out the story of Sophia, a young girl who is nervous about moving to a new town and having her life change. By hearing her Grandmother's story about immigrating to America, Sophia learns that making a change and moving forward can lead to very good things! The roles in this Spanish-translated script are written at different reading levels. This feature allows teachers to use differentiation strategies to assign specific roles to students in a way that accommodates individual reading skills. By using differentiation, teachers can get all students involved and engaged in the same activity,...

La exploración del espacio (Space Exploration) 6-Pack

Libro La exploración del espacio (Space Exploration) 6-Pack

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Libro Sobre los reptiles

Got a fan of snakes, lizards, and turtles? Dig into this beginner's guide to reptiles from Cathryn and John Sill, creators of the award-winning About... series. Author and educator Cathryn Sill explains in simple language the basic characteristics that all reptiles share, while offering a look at many of the animals that fall into this diverse category, including ever-popular lizards, snakes, and turtles. The beautifully detailed paintings of noted wildlife illustrator John Sill depict reptiles in their habitats and highlight their unique aspects. An afterword provides more detail on each...

Poesías Por Alegrías

Libro Poesías Por Alegrías

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La Esclavitud Y La Reconstrucción (Slavery and Reconstruction): La Lucha Por Los Derechos Civiles de Los Negros (the Struggle for Black Civil Rights)

Libro La Esclavitud Y La Reconstrucción (Slavery and Reconstruction): La Lucha Por Los Derechos Civiles de Los Negros (the Struggle for Black Civil Rights)

Con la liberación de cuatro millones de personas esclavizadas después de la Guerra Civil, el período de la Reconstrucción trajo nuevas victorias y dificultades en la lucha por los derechos de las personas negras. Aprende más sobre este período crucial de la historia de EE. UU. With the liberation of four million enslaved people after the Civil War, the Reconstruction period brought victories and challenges in the fight for Black rights. Explore this crucial period in US history. Now in Spanish! Read Woke(TM) Books are created in partnership with Cicely Lewis, the Read Woke librarian....

Manual para el Trabajo Social Comunitario

Libro Manual para el Trabajo Social Comunitario

MANUAL FOR COMMUNITARIAN SOCIAL WORK - This book is a basic document for students and professionals of the different disciplines of Social Sciences related to community action: social workers, socio-cultural animators, social educators, psychologists, etc., who want to develop their professional activity in this collective ambience, professionals who believe in what they do and why they do it, and who are willing to accompany the community and its members in a process of change and growth.

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