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Cometas y meteoros: Atravesando el espacio

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Cometas y meteoros: Atravesando el espacio

What has a head, two tails, and shoots across the sky? A comet. Coming from the far edges of the solar system, most comets travel around the Sun, while meteors appear as flashing streaks of light in the night sky. Explore these amazing celestial wonders as they zip through space! This book looks at the difference between comets and meteors and their effects on Earth. The physical characteristics of each are identified in detail. This book won’t come crashing down! It’s filled with fun facts that give additional information on this exciting science topic. This book allows students to use observations of the Sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Comets and Meteors: Shooting Through Space

Número de páginas 24


  • Chana Stiefel


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