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Biografía de Ana Frank

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Biografía de Ana Frank

The most in-depth, perceptive and authoritative portrait of Anne Frank's life that we shall ever have.nbsp;nbsp;A remarkably perceptive, definite account of Anne Frank's life and posthumous fame. Anne Frank's Diary of a Young Girl is the most widely read work of non-fiction after the Bible.nbsp;nbsp;Yet, remarkably, there has never been an in-depth biography of the teenage writer who perished in the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen. Written with the full co-operation of Anne Frank's surviving family, El Diario de Ana Frank is the most authoritative record we shall ever have of the short life of this remarkable young woman.nbsp;nbsp;Carol Ann Lee provides a full, living portrait of 'Hitler's most famous victim', making use of dramatic new material to which she has been given exclusive access.nbsp;nbsp;This includes previously unpublished letters from Anne and new evidence about whom betrayed her.nbsp;nbsp;With a foreword by Anne Frank's cousin, Buddy Elias, El Diario de Ana Frank marks an exceptional achievement in biography. Carol Ann Lee is a world authority on Anne Frank as well as a gifted and sympathetic writer, as Buddy Elias writes: "Not only was her knowledge astonishing, but her love and dedication to this cause warmed my heart".

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : 1929-1945

Número de páginas 375


  • Carol Ann Lee


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