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Una mano a la pata: Protegiendo los animales (Hand to Paw: Protecting Animals) (Spanish Version)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Una mano a la pata: Protegiendo los animales (Hand to Paw: Protecting Animals) (Spanish Version)

Readers learn about the various animals that need help and what they can do to make a difference through volunteerism in this engaging book. Discover different programs and organizations that work to protect animals, animal habitats, and endangered species through vibrant images and charts and informational text. Featuring a list of helpful and useful websites, this Spanish-translated nonfiction title encourages readers to take part in animal activism in any way they can--from baking homemade dog biscuits to exploring careers that help sick or injured animals.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas 48


  • Jessica Cohn


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91 Valoraciones Totales

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