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Una Historia Natural de la Violación

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Una Historia Natural de la Violación

In this book, Randy Thornhill and Craig Palmer use evolutionary biology to explain the possible origin and causes of rape, and to recommend new methods of prevention. According to the authors, somehow evolutionary adaptation gave rise to rape. The main question is whether it is an adaptation in itself or a byproduct of other adaptations. Whatever the answer, the authors state that rape mocks a fundamental characteristic of the reproductive strategy: partner choice. This is one of the many reasons why rape is so devastating to victims, especially for young women. Although they argue that rape is a biological fact, Thornhill and Palmer do not consider it inevitable. Their proposals to prevent it include educating children, punishing offenders more harshly, studying the effectiveness of "chemical castration," and focusing on the laws on the victims.

Ficha del Libro

Número de páginas 344


  • Randy Thornhill
  • Craig T. Palmer


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