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The Best Native American Myths, Legends, and Folklore

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Libro The Best Native American Myths, Legends, and Folklore

Continuing the series The Best Native American Myths, Legends, and Folklore, Volume 3 offers an enjoyable look into the history of the Native American Indian. Before the time of books, computers, tablets and recording devices, the history of many cultures was passed down, from person to person, by word of mouth. The rich histories of so many people were told in songs, chants, poems and stories. This was and still is the way of Native American tribes. Each in its own way enriching their stories with their own experiences. By reliving these stories and songs, we have the opportunity to bring life back to the ancient spirits that created them. We have a chance to walk with the spirits of the past. Being there were so many different tribes with countless beliefs and customs, the only way to understand their ways is through understanding their stories. In this book I have endeavored to show a wide landscape of different tribes and hopefully present a true look at their beliefs. Among the stories included in this collection are: The Alligator and The Hunter, Mistakes of Old Man, The Badger and the Bear, The Bird Tribes, The Spider Woman and the Twins, The Woman and Her Bear, Creation Story, Yaponcha - The Wind God, How Fire Came To the Six Nations, The Origin of the Prairie Rose, The Bird Whose Wings Made the Wind, A Widow's Revenge, The Story of a Poor Man, Heavy Collar and the Ghost Woman, Bluejay Finds a Wife, The Medicine Grizzly Bear, A Little Brave and the Medicine Woman, The Man Who Was Afraid of Nothing, The Simpleton's Wisdom, Crossing the Red Sea, Wakiash and the First Totem Pole, and many more.

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Número de páginas 208



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