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¿Qué Es Una Familia?

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro ¿Qué Es Una Familia?

What makes a family anyway? Featuring Waldorf-style illustrations and depictions of families of all shapes, sizes and colors, this book gets kids talking about their own families while opening their eyes to the fact that even though families don't always look the same, they all share one special thing-love. This is the Spanish language edition of the children's book. Que hace a una familia de todos modos? Con ilustraciones y representaciones de las familias de todas las formas, tamanos y colores de estilo Waldorf, este libro hace que los ninos a hablar de sus propias familias al abrir sus ojos al hecho de que a pesar de que las familias no siempre tienen el mismo aspecto, todos ellos compartir una cosa: el amor especial."

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Número de páginas 36



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Otros libros de Tamia Sheldon

El tiburón hambriento

Libro El tiburón hambriento

Spanish Language Edition: The Hungry Shark It’s lunchtime and Amelia is hungry! Amelia the Shark is looking for her lunch but all of the sea creatures she finds have a clever form of protection. The Hungry Shark features colorful images, playful text and an kid-friendly recipe starring Amelia's favorite food: Seaweed! This fun children's book is perfect for calm afternoons and bedtime. In this Xist Kids Spanish Edition, Spanish text brings the story to new audiences. This book is in Spanish only. There is no English translation.

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Los Artículos de la Confederación (Articles of Confederation)

Libro Los Artículos de la Confederación (Articles of Confederation)

Before there was the U.S. Constitution, there were the Articles of Confederation. Readers discover the story behind the first written constitution of the United States—from the factors that inspired its creation to the reasons why it was replaced. The detailed main text is enhanced by informative sidebars and graphic organizers. Historical images, including relevant primary sources, allow readers to immerse themselves in this historical period. Readers are given the chance to thoroughly examine elements of the original document, making them feel like true historians. They’re sure to enjoy ...

Cuando crezca

Libro Cuando crezca

¿Qué quiere ser cuándo crezca? En Cuando crezca, descubrirá cuantas cosas diferentes podrá hacer! (What do you want to be when you grow up? In Cuando crezca, you will discover just how many things you can be!) A little boy explores being a doctor, dentist, singer, fire fighter, pilot, teacher, construction worker, cook, famous baseball player and more in this adorably-illustrated book. At the end of the day, he still can’t decide because he’s only 7! Cute text, coupled with beautiful watercolor art, illustrates each occupation in a fun, child-like way. Learn simple English words and...

Más afuera

Libro Más afuera

Una incisiva colección de ensayos, donde Jonathan Franzen vuelve con renovado vigor a los temas, tanto humanos como literarios, que le han preocupado durante mucho tiempo. Bien sea narrando su violento encuentro con cazadores furtivos en Chipre, bien sea señalando de forma aguda y conmovedora cómo el abuso de las nuevas tecnologías está erosionando el sentido de la intimidad, Franzen cumple en cada uno de estos textos la promesa implícita de llegar hasta el fondo y no escatimar nada. Así pues, estos ensayos dan fe de una inteligencia madura que se interroga sobre la identidad, el...

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