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¿Qué Es Una Familia?

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro ¿Qué Es Una Familia?

What makes a family anyway? Featuring Waldorf-style illustrations and depictions of families of all shapes, sizes and colors, this book gets kids talking about their own families while opening their eyes to the fact that even though families don't always look the same, they all share one special thing-love. This is the Spanish language edition of the children's book. Que hace a una familia de todos modos? Con ilustraciones y representaciones de las familias de todas las formas, tamanos y colores de estilo Waldorf, este libro hace que los ninos a hablar de sus propias familias al abrir sus ojos al hecho de que a pesar de que las familias no siempre tienen el mismo aspecto, todos ellos compartir una cosa: el amor especial."

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Número de páginas 36



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Otros libros de Tamia Sheldon

El tiburón hambriento

Libro El tiburón hambriento

Spanish Language Edition: The Hungry Shark It’s lunchtime and Amelia is hungry! Amelia the Shark is looking for her lunch but all of the sea creatures she finds have a clever form of protection. The Hungry Shark features colorful images, playful text and an kid-friendly recipe starring Amelia's favorite food: Seaweed! This fun children's book is perfect for calm afternoons and bedtime. In this Xist Kids Spanish Edition, Spanish text brings the story to new audiences. This book is in Spanish only. There is no English translation.

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Planetas enanos: Plutón y los planetas menores

Libro Planetas enanos: Plutón y los planetas menores

Five and counting! So far, astronomers have discovered five dwarf planets in our solar system. Pluto, which was once thought of as the ninth planet, is today classified as a dwarf planet. This book looks at the current dwarf planets, characteristics, size, and orbital patterns, as well as the three rules scientists follow to characterize these tiny, round space objects. Every day new discoveries are being made. Who knows how many dwarf planets we will find in the future! This book will allow students to understand that patterns in the natural world can be observed, used to describe phenomena, ...

Pequeños poderosos: Cosas diminutas, grandes resultados (Mighty Micros: Little Things, Big Results) 6-Pack

Libro Pequeños poderosos: Cosas diminutas, grandes resultados (Mighty Micros: Little Things, Big Results) 6-Pack

Some of the most powerful things in the world are so tiny they can't be seen with the naked eye! Readers will be amazed at what they see when they take a glance at the world of the mini but mighty in this stunningly fascinating Spanish-translated nonfiction title that features remarkable images and graphics, informational text, index, and glossary. Through these features, readers are able to explore and discover such micros as DNA, atoms, bacteria, phytoplankton, and nanotechnology items like nano-robots and microchips! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Federico García Lorca

Libro Federico García Lorca

Poetic text recounts the childhood of the noted Spanish poet, including his love for the nature and folklore of his native Andalusia, his introduction to music and literature at home, and his health problems.

Nuevo prisma : curso de español para extranjeros. Nivel C1 : Libro de ejercicios [incluye CD]

Libro Nuevo prisma : curso de español para extranjeros. Nivel C1 : Libro de ejercicios [incluye CD]

Nuevo Prisma nivel C1 Ejercicios es un material elaborado para consolidar y mejorar el aprendizaje de la lengua a través de actividades que practican la comprension auditiva y lectora, la expresion orale y escrita, los elementos lingüisticos y el léxico, siguiendo un enfoque comunicativo, orientado a la accion y centrado en el estudiante. Asimismo, cada unidad incluye un apartado especifico para la preparacion del examen DELE, segun las directrices de los examenes oficiales del Instituto Cervantes, de manera que el estudiante puede trabajar, a través de las diversas actividades propuestas ...

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