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Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis

In an exciting return to the roots of factor analysis, Allen Yates reviews its early history to clarify original objectives created by its discoverers and early developers. He then shows how computers can be used to accomplish the goals established by these early visionaries, while taking into account modern developments in the field of statistics that legitimize exploratory data analysis as a technique of discovery. The book presents a unique perspective on all phases of exploratory factor analysis. In doing so, the popular objectives of the method are literally turned upside down both at the stage where the model is being fitted to data and in the subsequent stage of simple structure transformation for meaningful interpretation. What results is a fully integrated approach to exploratory analysis of associations among observed variables, revealing underlying structure in a totally new and much more invariant manner than ever before possible.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : A Perspective on Exploratory Factor Analysis

Número de páginas 372


  • Allen Yates


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