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Momentos de quietud con Dios

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Momentos de quietud con Dios

Start your day with peaceful meditations, soulful inspirations, and encouraging Bible verses in this 365-day devotional from bestselling author Joyce Meyer -- and grow spiritually as you spend time with God. Life is busy and often uncertain, but you can live in the full peace of God with this easy-to-understand devotional designed to encourage you each day of the year. This includes a daily Bible verse followed by a devotional reading and power thought to meditate upon. With the constant demands and pressures, it can be hard to regularly take time to unplug and simply be with God. But Joyce's practical teaching format in Quiet Times with God will encourage you to discipline yourself so that you can receive the fullness of God's healing, revitalizing peace.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : 365 inspiraciones diarias

Número de páginas 384



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