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México, política y coraje

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro México, política y coraje

An analysis of contemporary Mexican politics by university scholar, including psychological factors motivating political behavior, the influence of fear and liberty in politics, the crisis of 1994, public servants, pluralism and contemporary directions.

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Número de páginas 183


  • Rodolfo Jiménez Guzmán


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Libro México íntegro

Funcionario p blico y maestro, Mois s S enz fue tambi n viajero y escritor. Fund escuelas e institutos; ocup altos cargos dentro del gobierno, en el mbito educativo y en el diplom tico. Dentro de la amplia gama de estas actividades hay una nota com n: su inter s por el M xico indio, por el M xico de los campesinos. En estos textos, S enz busca lo propio de un pa s que no est integrado: "el mestizo, el M xico urbano y el campesino, el M xico indio".

Ignacio López Rayón circular

Libro Ignacio López Rayón circular

Manuscript circular ofrelating to military assistance from "our generous neighbor to the North" [i.e. the United States]] during the Mexican war of independence and informing the insurgents of the arrival numerous ships and the names of their captains including the ship El Tigre loaded with 3000 barrels of gunpowder. Rayó́n adds that the allied ships have already captured three European ships from Veracruz to Tuxpan.

El levantamiento delahuertista

Libro El levantamiento delahuertista

"Revisionist view of the traditional interpretation of 1923 revolt as a reaction against Obregón's imposition of Calles. Authors study four different regional revolts between 1923-24, all with different leaders and provoked by different causes: Rómulo Figueroa in Guerrero, Enrique Estrada in Jalisco, Guadalupe Sánchez in Veracruz, and Fortunato Maycotte in Oaxaca. Rebels failed because of a lack of central control or unifying program. Adolfo de la Huerta played only a 'decorative role' in the armed movement against Obregón"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

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