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LLL: Mi cuerpo: Delicioso y nutritivo 6-Pack with Lap Book (Delicious and Nutritio

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro LLL: Mi cuerpo: Delicioso y nutritivo 6-Pack with Lap Book (Delicious and Nutritio

What do strawberries, eggs, and yogurt have in common? They're all good for you of course! Read this book to learn about even more delicious and nutritious foods. This book has been translated into Spanish and allows for a wonderful shared reading experience for children who are beginning readers and is an excellent tool for building the confidence new readers need to embark on the adventures that await them while reading! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title, a lesson plan, and a Lap Book.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Mi cuerpo (My Body)

Número de páginas 16



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58 Valoraciones Totales

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