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Juan Manuel Fangio : casualidad o causalidad

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Juan Manuel Fangio : casualidad o causalidad

I believe that this is not just an investigative work. It is a fantastic journey that takes the readers from villa del Parque Reale, a location not far from Milano and finishes on April 16th, 1950 in San Remo. The journey has the main purpose to dig out Juan M Fangio’s first stages after the Second World War and to understand how the man born in Balcarce could climb up, until reaching the summit of the Racing Car world in less than four years. The focus of this incredible journey is not focussed when Fangio is part of the Formula 1 world, but four years earlier. Nevertheless, to understand what was happening during the post-war Europe and in the opulent post war Argentina can be only understood by surfing many pre-war events that happened in Europe; more precisely in Italy and Germany. A huge rivalry grew between these two allies whose outcome paved the way to the creation of the Formula 1 Championship. Within this atmosphere, the start of the Second war created the perfect environment for the appearance and growth of Argentinean names and figures. An Italian rooted surname turned to be a fantastic help to reach sports and political goals. Notwithstanding, sports was not the only objective. Regimes copy regimes, and where some fail, others try to succeed. Pursuing this objective, the Argentinean 1947-1950 regime concentrated its efforts on building up part of its power upon a tripod. As they were doing so, any success was shown up to the whole country. Money and propaganda went hand in hand. The war had left the Argentinean Central Bank loaded, so any dream could be fulfilled. The question that started this journey was: Why was Fangio and not another driver the chosen since the very beginning? We have learnt about his driving skills and abilities as well as mechanical knowledge. But most of the times, these skills seem not to be enough. A causal chain of events aligned in such a way that it allowed the Balcarce former TC driver and champion to climb to the top of the sportspeople Olympus. If you are willing and daring to step onto this journey, in time and space, be my guest and discover whether Juan Manuel Fangio was a coincidence or a causality of the time and politics. Thanks for joining me

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Número de páginas 62


  • Edgardo Samuel Berg


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