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Introducción a la Lingüística Hispánica Actual

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Introducción a la Lingüística Hispánica Actual

Introduccion a la linguistica hispanica actual: teoria y practica has been specially designed for students of Spanish with little or no linguistic background, who need to understand the key concepts and constructs of Hispanic Linguistics. The book has been carefully crafted to introduce the reader to the main areas of linguistics, both theoretical and applied. General Linguistics, Phonology and Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics, History of the Spanish Language, Language Variation, and Second Language Acquisition are concisely and accurately outlined, providing a comprehensive foundation in the field. Features include: sequenced exercises and engaging activities which facilitate the learning of each area of linguistics; emphasis on the connections between theory and the actual use of the language throughout the book; a selection of possible research projects and guidance on further reading in each chapter, giving students the necessary tools for in-depth exploration of each of the areas presented in the book; a bilingual glossary of key linguistic terms; a comprehensive e-resource with a wealth of additional materials, including audio clips and videos of the varieties of Spanish around the world, available at Written in a clear and accessible manner, Introduccion a la linguistica hispanica actual is the ideal introduction for all undergraduate students of Hispanic Linguistics. The book will also be of interest to graduate students with no prior exposure to linguistics. "

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Teoría Y Práctica

Número de páginas 552


  • Nina Moreno
  • Javier Munoz-basols
  • Taboada Inma


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