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How to Beat the Market Makers at Their Own Game

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro How to Beat the Market Makers at Their Own Game

The basic skills for becoming a successful trader from a master of the game Written by Fausto Pugliese (founder and CEO of Cyber Trading University) this must-have resource offers a hands-on guide to learning the ins and outs of active trading. How to Beat the Market Makers at Their Own Game gives professionals, as well as those relatively new to investing, a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of the marketplace and a comprehensive overview of basic trading techniques. The book explains how to apply the trading strategies of acclaimed trader Fausto Pugliese. Step by step the author covers the most common market maker setups, shows how to identify market maker traps, and most importantly, reveals how to follow the direction of the lead market maker in an individual stock. Throughout the book, Pugliese puts the spotlight on Level II quotes to help investors understand how market makers drive prices and manipulate the market. This handy resource is filled with the tools needed to interpret market maker activity so traders can truly understand the market and trade accordingly. Offers an accessible guide for developing the investing skills to trade with confidence Filled with the real-world trading experiences and techniques of Fausto Pugliese Covers simple technical patterns that are important in day trading Includes a website with exercises to help master the book's techniques How to Beat the Market Makers at their Own Game will become your well-thumbed resource for learning what it takes to succeed in short-term stock trading.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : Uncovering the Mysteries of Day Trading

Número de páginas 166


  • Fausto Pugliese


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