BookStore Chile

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El viento del norte y el sol (The North Wind and the Sun)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El viento del norte y el sol (The North Wind and the Sun)

A traveler wrapped in a cloak walks down a lonely road. The north wind and the sun watch from above the traveler. They wonder which of them is more powerful than the other. The wind and sun make a bet to see who can get the traveler to remove the cloak. They both try their best. The wind blows with a truly powerful force. But what can the sun do? Can it win the bet by being the first to make the traveler remove the cloak?

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Número de páginas 24



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Libro Chicas y chicos malos del Lejano Oeste (Bad Guys and Gals of the Wild West)

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Trenzazul y el terrible Oncededos

Libro Trenzazul y el terrible Oncededos

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