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Crónica del rey don Rodrigo

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Crónica del rey don Rodrigo

Based on the original manuscript, this book also contains the proper iconography of the literary work. It includes an introduction accompanied by a biography & a critical study of the work, the complete text, footnotes at the bottom of each page, glossary, illustrations of the original text, two bibliographies, & an index.

Ficha del Libro

Subtitulo : crónica sarracina

Número de páginas 14



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91 Valoraciones Totales

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Crónica del rey don Rodrigo

Libro Crónica del rey don Rodrigo

Based on the original manuscript, this book also contains the proper iconography of the literary work. It includes an introduction accompanied by a biography & a critical study of the work, the complete text, footnotes at the bottom of each page, glossary, illustrations of the original text, two bibliographies, & an index.

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Crónica del rey don Rodrigo

Libro Crónica del rey don Rodrigo

Based on the original manuscript, this book also contains the proper iconography of the literary work. It includes an introduction accompanied by a biography & a critical study of the work, the complete text, footnotes at the bottom of each page, glossary, illustrations of the original text, two bibliographies, & an index.

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