Castigo Divino
Sinopsis del Libro
Una cadena de asesinatos por envenenamiento tiene lugar en la ciudad de Le�n, Nicaragua, en los a�os treinta. El presunto asesino, un brillante abogado y poeta, tambi�n ser� una v�ctima m�s cuando su historia personal alcance dimensiones colectivas. El desahogo de pruebas y testimonios es minucioso; las contradicciones del proceso no son escasas. El culpable debe ser castigado, pero la intriga pol�tica, el poder econ�mico, el rumor y la murmuraci�n se dan cita en esta novela para modificar el rumbo de la justicia. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A crime thriller; a story of vengeance and a great romance, all framed by a volcanic eruption. A string of murders by poisoning takes place in the city of Le�n, Nicaragua, in the '30s. The presumed killer, a brilliant lawyer and poet, also becomes a victim when his personal story reaches the general consciousness. The examination of evidence and testimonies is meticulous; there is no lack of contradictions. The guilty party must be punished, but political intrigue, economic power, hearsay, and gossip also come into play in this novel, changing the course of justice. Sergio Ramirez won the Alfaguara Novel Prize in 1998, and the Carlos Fuentes Prize in 2015. Ideal for readers interested in crime and detective novels.
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Número de páginas 598
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