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Libros de America Latina (3 libros)

Terra ignota

Libro Terra ignota

"Random selection of 16th- and 17th-century descriptions of physical geography in the New World, including seas and rivers, climate and winds, mountains and volcanos, plants, animals, and fabled creatures"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.

Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez

Libro Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez

Content of t. 1-32 covers history of Spain and Spanish in Latin America. Beginning with t. 33-1 (2003) content covers history of any Spanish colony.

500 años del ensayo en Hispanoamérica

Libro 500 años del ensayo en Hispanoamérica

500 Years of the Essay in Hispanic America: an Annotated Anthology, this book is thought to be the first critical anthology of essays written in Hispanic America, and covers a period from the voyages of Columbus to the 1980s. The last essay is the speech which Gabriel Garcia Marquez read when he accepted his Nobel Prize in 1982.