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Libros de Suzanne Powell (4 libros)

Menus Conscientes

Libro Menus Conscientes

After the success of Food Conscious, the A01 offers the reader a guide to simplify the daily preparation of food. Includes full-color images, proposals, aware menus, tips for weight control, and balanced weekly menus.

Menús conscientes

Libro Menús conscientes

Como una continuación a su anterior libro, Alimentación consciente, Suzanne Powell ofrece en estas páginas una guía para ayudar al lector a alimentarse de una manera fácil y divertida, simplificando al máximo la preparación de los alimentos. Con su alegría y su entusiasmo habitual, Suzanne aporta ideas y estimula nuestra imaginación con numerosos ejemplos de menús sencillos y fáciles de preparar, siempre siguiendo las reglas básicas de la dieta disociada. No debemos olvidar que la correcta combinación de los alimentos no solo nos mantiene en el peso ideal sino que además, al...

Cambia ya! / Change Now!

Libro Cambia ya! / Change Now!

Suzanne Powell opens to us, for the first time, her private apothecary and shares all those tips and tricks that, for years have helped her preserve her well-being. This book is a gift, an inspired talk with her readers telling everything that she has been transmitted and experienced herself.

Confía.Todo Es Posible

Libro Confía.Todo Es Posible

Suzanne Powell shares in this book an endless number of adventures and anecdotes lived at different times and places along his path. A collection of stories, many of them hilarious or incredible, you'll want to read over and over again. These experiences, closely narrated and full of humor and ingenuity, become inspirational pills that will help us connect and live a life full of love.