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Libros de Mario Benedetti (2 libros)

La sirena viuda

Libro La sirena viuda

In this collection of short stories there are issues such as the anxious await by employees for new management that will approve salary increases, the calm awakening of a man on his day off from work, and a woman telling a man that she is the mother of his child. These most simple anecdotes of daily life are reflected with such splendor and vitality through Benedetti’s concise and clear prose.

Cuentos breves para leer en la cama

Libro Cuentos breves para leer en la cama

This book is a marvelous collection of short stories, stories to be read in bed; perhaps on those nights when sleep eludes us, on those where we want to let our dreams take flight, or, maybe on those nights when we want to love… Isn’t it a fact that the bed we read in is also the one in which we sleep, dream and love? Some of the authors included are: Francisco Ayala, Mario Benedetti, Carlos Fuentes, Almudena Grandes, Javier Marías, Juan José Millás, Rosa Montero, Juan Carlos Onetti, Carme Riera, Manuel Rivas and Albert Sánchez Piñol.