Los colores del arco iris
Children are encouraged to celebrate and appreciate both their own and other people's differences and shows how, when people of different races and ethic backgrounds come together, they make a beautiful rainbow.
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Children are encouraged to celebrate and appreciate both their own and other people's differences and shows how, when people of different races and ethic backgrounds come together, they make a beautiful rainbow.
(back cover) Hablemos de esto! A menudo, los ni os demasiado tmidos tienen preocupaciones y se sienten incomprendidos. ERES T?MIDO? ayuda a ni os y ni as a comprender que la timidez puede vencerse de muchas maneras. Ning n ni o debiera avergonzarse por ser tartamudo o por enrojecer cuando se le hace una pregunta. Todo lo que necesitan es aprender a enfrentar la situaci n adecuadamente. ERES T?MIDO? explica a los ni os que su timidez ir y(c)ndose poco a poco siempre que sigan tratando de expresarse ante los dem s."
Discusses the difference between secrets that are fun to keep and those that make people unhappy, and encourages youngsters to confide in their parents or another trusted adult such painful matters as bullying or improper touching.
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