BookStore Chile

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Libros de Gerardo Ceballos (2 libros)

Animales de México en peligro de extincion

Libro Animales de México en peligro de extincion

Documenta y expone los riesgos a los que están sometidas especies mexicanas, presenta además algunas acciones de conservación exitosas.

Los Peces Dulceacuicolas de Mexico En Peligro de Extincion

Libro Los Peces Dulceacuicolas de Mexico En Peligro de Extincion

Presented as a catalogue, the authors provide complete and true information about endangered Mexican Freshwater fishes. A physical and ethological description, the reason of its involvement in the book, preservation state, natural history and ecology, as well as a map with its geographical location in Mexico, and a picture of the specie is provided for each fish. This book is a start point for the knowledge and preservation of the richness of this biological group.